End of an era & new beginning

Five years ago, I had my high school final exams. A little bit more than three years ago, shortly before I started this blog, I had my interview that got me into this university. And today I had my final exams AND I PASSED!

That means I am now "Bachelor of Science in Engineering" and I even graduated with highest distinction (grade <1.2) aaaand I'm sorry if I sound super annoying but I am just SO FREAKING HAPPY!
And honestly, I'm kinda proud of myself. It's the first thing I really "achieved" after my high school graduation and I am getting more and more confident that this is just the right thing for me to do!

So right now, I am just super relieved and don't really know what to do because I have so much I could do, but nothing I have to do!

Le epic photoshop from a friend of mine, hahaha ♥

Finally, I can also look forward to the upcoming weeks and tasks and be happy about it - next week end my boyfriend and I will go to Nova Rock festival where I'll see my favorite band HIM and other bands I love like Rammstein, KoRn and The 69 Eyes! We will start to renovate our flat and hopefully move in be the end of July or mid of August. And in autumn I will start to study Medical Molceular Biology at the University of Vienna (at least that's the plan).

On another note - I don't know if you've heard about it if you're not from central Europe but Austria among other countries have been affected be severe floods lately. My home town was affected to, as it's directly next to the Danube. This was no surprise as we get floods quite frequently and our houses are built in a safe way, but still it was rather severe and even higher than in 2002. The water went down again yesterday and today, but it seems like the river carried much more mud with it this time, so everything is now soaked and dirty. So I'll probably have to help them out with cleaning up the garden this week end. (Just so you get an idea, this is about as high as it was 2 days ago, the peak was even higher...)
Other than that - I have sooo many plans right now, I am just super happy that I have some free time to do what I want! I will hopefully also get to blog much more often now! By the way, are some of you still interested in Science stuff? Because I've been thinking about blogging about topics that I find interesting once in while again, if you would like to read that?

Anway! I'll be off again, so much to do, I don't even know where I want to start, haha!

Thanks to all those people who cheered me up during all that studying and worrying ^__^v I owe you!