Last week end, I actually did something else than tearing down wall papers or smashing old floor tiles - I went to another J-fashion meet up! Last time I wore Lolita, but this time we had really hot weather and a picnic - so I decided to wear a simple, Gyaru-inspired summer look.

Photographer: greencat ( facebook / deviantart )
Greencat was there and took some amazing photos again! You can check them out on his facebook page, please give him a "like" while you're there! :3
And there's also a video of the event, so you can check out all the gorgeous people while moving around and having fun!
You can see me looking derpy around 02:55 :'D
I was so glad I didn't come in Lolita, with covered shoulders and a petti. It was just too hot! There will be a Lolita meet up at the beginning of August and I am still not quite sure if I can wear what I want because I'm not sure if I can take the heat in such an outfit .__. But i definitely want to go, it's rare that I get to go out at the moment because of the apartment renovation. so I'd really love to go there.
And here I have some more, really craptastic pictures from my cell phone so you can see my make up a bit better! I wore my purple circle lenses again, and while I think that the overall outcome of the look is not very "gyaru-ish" I think the inspiration can be seen... I tried my best!
And I actually got a really nice compliment for my make up, where I was asked if am a professional make up artist or anything like that X3

I wish I could show you better photos but I don't have my camera at the place I'm currently staying at ;___;

I also wore fake nails for the first time in my life! What a weird feeling XD But my natural nails look horrible at the moment...
So, the location for the picnic was pretty nice. I haven't been at the Donaupark since I was a little kid and it's actually very nice. I went there by car and since it was Sunday I found a parking spot for free after a long search, haha! We met up at the subway station and then walked to a nice picnic spot. For the photos, we went back in small groups to the Uno City. Unfortunately there is no group shot this time, but the photographers took their time to get some great pics of smaller groups and individuals. Big thanks to them!

Nice picnic spot under the trees!
All in all it was a fun and entertaining day! Thanks to everyone who was there and made it such a nice event :3
It felt good to dress up and wear make up for a change, and have a day off from the renovation of our apartment. We still have a lot of work to do, I'll write an update soon I guess :) What did you do during the week end?