Alien in disguise

Hey guys! Since I currently don't have much time or stuff to blog about, I'll just try to write more but shorter entries to keep this blog alive :D So today's topic.... hair color!

Most of you probably know that black is not my natural hair color.
In fact, I am blond, which means I have to dye my roots every 5-6 weeks or I look like I am going bald. My natural hair color is the typical "ash blond", this kind of blond that looks just super plain - and in my case, also very different depending on the light! In daylight, my roots are almost invisible, but sometimes they look more brunette or even reddish. But my roots aren't even what bothers me most about my natural hair color, it's my eyebrows and lashes that are so light blond that they are almost invisible! It looks really stupid with black dyed hair, so I usually have to wear at least mascara and "draw on" my eyebrows before I go out, unless I want to look like a sick alien.

So, when my friend Mimi, who is a hairdresser in training, offered to help my with dying my hair so she can practice, she also mentioned that she can dye lashes and eyebrows, and very quickly I decided to give it a try! I chose black for the lashes and dark brown for the eyebrows, but as my eyebrows are naturally very light they ended up almost black anyway :'D But I am very happy with the results!

Looks pretty natural, doesn't it? Usually I had to wear make up to look like this, now that's not necessary anymore! Now that we're currently renovating our flat I wouldn't want to wear make up anyway, so it's super practical to look like this already when I get up in the morning :)

I don't really have any non-make up photos to compare to, except for this super cheap quality one:

I suppose you get the idea...  invisible eyebrows, yey!

The only disadvantage about this is that when I want to wear a really light wig, the dark eyebrows might seem out of place. But it's summer now, so I probably won't be wearing a wig anyway anytime soon, haha!

I also thought a lot about changing my hair color lately, but I really can't decide. I had a horrible nightmare where I got my hair bleached and cut and it ended up looking like my haircut when I was 7 (horrible, horrible times!). I cried a lot in that dream, and when I woke up, I was thinking that I'would never ever cut my hair again, haha. But then again, I would love to have really colorful hair one day. Blue, turquoise and purple. Or light pink or lilac. I know it's a pain to keep such colors vibrant but as someone with very dry hair I don't have to wash it very often and so the color would probably last longer...
BUT! I realize every day that my hair has grown longer than it has ever been. It reaches past my waist now and despite not having cut the ends for almost a year, they look healthy and I have no split ends. I don't want to have short hair. I want to keep my hair long! And I know that if I decided to bleach it, I would have to cut it...

I was thinking that maybe I can find a way to keep my hair. If there is a place that can sew/craft extensions I could cut my hair rather short and bring them my hair to get extensions made of it. It would probably cost a lot, but then again, I could keep them as black extensions. I would then bleach my short hair and experiment a bit with it, and see which color suits me best. If I grow tired, I can wear an "undercolor" look with the extensions or dye my hair back to black and wear it long when I want to.

But the main reason why I am kept from changing the color is that I just think that black suits me best. Ever since I wear my hair black again, I get so many compliments where people compare me to "Snow White" and that it makes my eyes stand out. And I really like that :< I am not sure if different hair colors will even suit me. I got some wigs to try it out and I guess a natural red would look okay, but what about more extreme colors?

In the end, I decided to get some more wigs to experiment a bit and find out what suits me, before I do something to my real hair. Next year my boyfriend and I will visit his mom in Australia for a few weeks, so maybe before the trip I will cut my hair to make traveling and camping easier. Hmpf. Well, we'll see.

What do you think about dying your lashes and eyebrows?
Have you tried it before?
And which hair color would you like to try for one day if you could?