Monthly Random: June

Since my last "random" post seemed to be of interest to you, I think I'm gonna make a habit out of this :) Also, it's a perfect occasion to post all those pictures that accumulate yet aren't really enough to write an own blog entry about. June's almost over, so here's my picture-heavy "Monthly Random" for June!

Went "flood watching" at the Donauinsel...

Tried to style and cut a wig for the first time... maybe I'll write a separate entry about this ordeal XD

Went to the open campus day of a nearby university... can you see why I'd just LOVE to study there? :'D

Summer make up? Naaah.

Organized a little Lolita meet-up and wore Sweet Lolita!

Went to our inofficial graduation party. Wore a summer dress for once and it kept raining all day .... <_<

Cherished my first strawberry harvest this year! I got the little plant 5 years ago and it has grown so much ♥

Among them was the tiniest strawberry I had ever seen XD

Started to move my clothes to my parents' place (by now, we've almost finished moving everything...)

Registered at MyStyleHit :) Add me as a friend if you're there too!

Got these from a girl on Dunkelsüß - I have a very specific coord in mind for the Innocent World Tea Party already and they're gonna be a part of it!

 Got the formal invitation for my brother's wedding ♥

And of course we spent the hottest week of the year so far moving our sparse but bulky furniture to my boyfriend's dad's house. I was so dead after that.

Last week end, my parents had a big garden party and I baked something for the guests.

Oh my, I look like zombie!

At the end of the garden party, I felt really bad. I've been somewhat sick all week, which was really annoying during the moving, but at the end of that day I was completely dead, began to lose my voice and got a fever. And on Sunday morning I had lost my voice and developed a cough. Luckily I had been to the doctor on Friday already and she had given me antibiotics to take if it didn't get any better, so I started to take them on Sunday. As for now, I'm stuck at my parents' place where I've been since the party, sleeping in the guest room and spending the day sleeping, watching TV and playing Pokémon. I feel really bad that I can't help my boyfriend with moving, we still have our bed, his computer and desk at the flat in Vienna, but at least I hope my uncle will be able to help him transport the stuff this week and we will be done soon. It really sucks being sick in summer, but at least the weather is not that hot anymore this week!

Another thing that happened this month, which I don't have any pics of, is that I started to take up Pilates exercises once again. I started with Cassey Ho's Blogilates program on 1st June, and kept up very well for the first two weeks. After the festival, we had super hot weather and I had to slow down, especially the cardio exercises were just impossible for me at 35°C inside our room... and then I became sick so these last days I didn't do anything :( I feel really bad, but on the other hand - just from those two weeks of training I already made so much progress! I really love her videos and her training calendars, so next month, I'll definitely pick up the training again.

Next month will be my graduation ceremony! I'm pretty excited already :D What are you looking forward to about the upcoming month? ^^