And in your dreams, you see me falling

Hello again! ^_^v  

Yesterday I took another break from studying... My head is so full I feel like I can't memorize anything anymore, I have no idea how I am supposed to remember 150 pages for Medical Biotechnology alone, haha!  Anyway, we decided to go to the cinema and watch Oblivion - I wanted to see the movie because I like these kind of movie where there are twists, and I like post-apocalyptic settings, so despite our deep dislike for Mr. Cruise who plays the main role, I convinced my boyfriend to go and watch it with me!

I was so happy to go out I out a totally unnecessary effort in doing my make-up and dressing up. But it felt so good and was a lot of fun! Sometimes, I just want to look a bit like a princess... the look is a bit Gyaru-inspired, though I do that eye-enlarging effect pretty often...

I wanted to do a Gyaru or maybe Hime Gyaru inspired look for today, because I wanted to wear my new dress and shoes! Unfortunately the shoes are super uncomfortable :( The heels are kinda wonky (maybe I'm just too heavy compared to the average Asian girl? XD) and I even slipped and fell once because of that :< I guess I'll have to give them away after all...
I like the Gyaru look and think it would be nice to wear it more often, but I'm too bad with hairstyling to do it properly. Also, I think the Hime Gyaru typical hairstyle would be a bit too much for me, personally. So I just went with my red wig for this time, because it's curly and because of all my real hair tucked in underneath it even looks like it's teased a bit, haha! But at least I managed to hide my own hair and put on the wig properly and not wonky this time!

It's so difficult to take photos of myself right now ;__; The mirror in our kitchen is huge but the light is pretty bad... my cell phone came is not really good with it. And I didn't have that much time to get really good selcas, so all of them are a bit blurry XD Sorry! 
I wanted to show a better view of the make-up but it was hopeless.... but anyway, I think a did a pretty decent job on the contouring this time. I kinda like the way my nose looks here :) How rare!

My boyfriend and I have been to the cinema quite often lately... while we live directly next to one we prefer the English cinema in town because most movies are just better in OV. This is something that I miss about Finland, I think it's so great that they don't usually dub movies but instead just put Finish subtitles in. That way I was able to go and watch movies and even learn some new vocabulary! I should probably get some DVDs with Finish subtitles, haha!

We've seen Iron Man 3 and Star Trek: Into Darkness too lately, and together with Oblivion I think these are three movies that get far too much undeserved hate. I liked them all, maybe because I didn't have any super high expectations into them, and that way I wasn't disappointed.

Anyway, I should get back to studying... and sleep. I'm sleeping 9+ hours a day at the moment and I don't even know why, I don't even feel that exhausted, but I guess my brain just really needs a good rest at night ^^"

Let me know what you think about the look! :3

P.S.: The quote in the title is from the credit song "Oblivion", I somehow really like it! You can check it out here. Who else thinks a kind of Metal or "heavier" cover version of that song would be cool? ^^
P.P.S: AH! I'm going to a Lolita meet up on Friday and I plan on wearing this outfit, I just don't know what to do with my hair :( Any ideas? Do you think the red wig would match? .__.