Monthly Random: July

Wow! I can't believe the month's already over!

Wasn't it just yesterday that I went to my graduation ceremony? Didn't we just move out from our apartment in Vienna a few days ago? Where the hell has all the time gone?!

Time for another monthly random, this time there's quite a bunch of pictures in queue, since I didn't really have time to write any blogpost... but more interesting stuff is coming up, I promise ;D

At the beginning of the month, my laptop broke :(

Bought a Harvest Moon game after a looong time again (the last one I had was for GameCube :) )

Made a red currant cake with red currant from our own garden! 

Had some delicious food with my family to celebrate my graduation, omnomnom 

Produced several m³ of dust, dirt and garbage

Did some cat cuddling

Bought floor tiles for our apartment ♥ 

Did some more cat cuddling...

...aaaand some more cat cuddling X3

Found out that they sell Hummus in Austrian super markets *__* I last ate that stuff in 2007 when I was in the US XD 

Went to do house- and cat-sitting at friends' place and accidentally the cat.

Highfive!  XD

Watched tons of movies... Cloud Atlas (oh god I loved it), Legend of the Guardians, Total Recall (the remake), 2001: A Space Odyssey,  The Hunger Games...

And also went to see Pacific Rim on premiere day and wore a green look complete with DIY knitted hat and matching extensions, hehe

Went window shopping for kitchen equipment! This oven was my absolute favorite because its door opens sideways... but I found one that's even better than that...

Discovered a fucking amazing graffiti in Vienna.

Had to give in to OCD in a Forever 21 store

This is the other cat we're cat-sitting at the moment ♥

Started to play Fallput 3 (on my boyfriends computer of course...)

And most importantly: I signed the contract for the apartment, to officially make me the owner.

So, as I mentioned before my laptop is out of order and I sent it to the company to have it repaired... turns out the warranty is not valid anymore because of a stupid little dent in the casing! I was pretty mad when I read it in a letter they sent, at least the repair won't be too expensive but still, it's not like I didn't handle the laptop with care or the dent has anything to do with the screen error. I think it happened at some point while I was in Finland, I always carried my laptop in a backpack to work with me, and one day at the bus stop I put the backpack down because my back hurt so much. I think I put it down on a sharp rock or something like that, but I didn't drop it nor did I reckon the casing would give in so easily :(

Anyway - the laptop will hopefully be back soon and fully functional again.

There's more news, actually! On 12th August I'll start an internship at the University of Vienna and will work there till the end of September. This basically means two things - first, I finally got a job completely on my own, relying only on my skills and not on contacts! Secondly, we have to finish most work with the renovation until then, or my boyfriend would have to do everything that's still left mostly alone. Luckily, it seems like we will be able to finish most of the hard work, and the minor tasks could be done on week ends too. I just hope nothing more will go wrong and we will finish soon!
Oh, and thirdly it unfortunately also means that I won't really be able to enjoy my holidays very much anymore :( But on the other hand, it's probably good to have an internship again with fixed working hours, so I can get back on track for autumn. I've been off the hook since June, since my exam, and having 4 months of holidays would have been way too long anyway.

Also, I might be able to get a job starting in October. I don't know the details yet and most likely I also won't get paid but it will help me a lot with my career and studies - as long as I finally get the formal acceptance of the University of Vienna, which can still take up to 9 weeks from now on... Even then it could happen that they reject me - though it's unlikely as I already got informally affirmed that I can study there. Still, there's a lot of confusion to be expected from all that...
So much for "sweet student life", it's not like I'm not gonna be busy in the upcoming months :'D

Alright guys, I hope your July was okay and you are doing fine!
See you ♥

4th J-Fashion Meet Up in Vienna

Hello guys!

Last week end, I actually did something else than tearing down wall papers or smashing old floor tiles - I went to another J-fashion meet up! Last time I wore Lolita, but this time we had really hot weather and a picnic - so I decided to wear a simple, Gyaru-inspired summer look.

Photographer: greencat ( facebookdeviantart )
As you can see, I hung out with my friend Bibi again, her dress was so pretty! And I felt ridiculously huge next to her, so we took that photo above XD Also, I really had a very unphotogenic day that day. I look super derpy on more or less every picture D: 

Photographer: greencat ( facebookdeviantart )

Greencat was there and took some amazing photos again! You can check them out on his facebook page, please give him a "like" while you're there! :3

And there's also a video of the event, so you can check out all the gorgeous people while moving around and having fun!

You can see me looking derpy around 02:55 :'D

I was so glad I didn't come in Lolita, with covered shoulders and a petti. It was just too hot! There will be a Lolita meet up at the beginning of August and I am still not quite sure if I can wear what I want because I'm not sure if I can take the heat in such an outfit .__. But i definitely want to go, it's rare that I get to go out at the moment because of the apartment renovation. so I'd really love to go there.

And here I have some more, really craptastic pictures from my cell phone so you can see my make up a bit better! I wore my purple circle lenses again, and while I think that the overall outcome of the look is not very "gyaru-ish" I think the inspiration can be seen... I tried my best!
And I actually got a really nice compliment for my make up, where I was asked if am a professional make up artist or anything like that X3

I wish I could show you better photos but I don't have my camera at the place I'm currently staying at ;___;

I also wore fake nails for the first time in my life! What a weird feeling XD But my natural nails look horrible at the moment...

So, the location for the picnic was pretty nice. I haven't been at the Donaupark since I was a little kid and it's actually very nice. I went there by car and since it was Sunday I found a parking spot for free after a long search, haha! We met up at the subway station and then walked to a nice picnic spot. For the photos, we went back in small groups to the Uno City. Unfortunately there is no group shot this time, but the photographers took their time to get some great pics of smaller groups and individuals. Big thanks to them!

I made muffins and Bibi brought some pizza rolls :D

Nice picnic spot under the trees!

All in all it was a fun and entertaining day! Thanks to everyone who was there and made it such a nice event :3

It felt good to dress up and wear make up for a change, and have a day off from the renovation of our apartment. We still have a lot of work to do, I'll write an update soon I guess :) What did you do during the week end?

Plain and simple.

Hey guys!

I am really really lazy with updating, but the good news is my laptop has finally been sent to be repaired so I will hopefully have my own computer back in a few weeks, which will be very helpful of course. Right now my photos are spread out on my phone, my parents' computer and my boyfriend's as well as my hard drive, and I am just trying my best to keep all the data backed up on the latter so I don't lose anything...
Anyway, as there's not much I could tell you about my current life because apart from the renovation nothing exciting is happening, I can show you a OOTD from last week!

So, when I'm not covered in dust and working heavy machines, I enjoy the perfect summer weather we're currently having - I say perfect because it mostly stays below 25°C which is the optimum temperature for me to operate. I mean, feel at ease, haha. I am looking forward to living at our new apartment, I hope I'll be able to post some more outfit photos then :3

I bought these sandals a while ago, as I came to understand how practical it is to have flat summer shoes that are open but still okay for driving! I really love them and I'm wearing them quite often lately.

I am also greatly enjoying the fact that I have "permanent make up" now, and don't have to put on anything before I leave the house and still can look okay. I mean, I still don't have very beautiful eyebrows or thick lashes but it's better than the alien look I had before :'D

By the way, I applied to "MyStyleHit"'s blogger VIP program, but they rejected me... I guess it's the blog design and some of the content and the fact that I don't blog about what I wear frequently enough that disqualified me, but I thought I could give it a try anyway... oh well, it's still a pretty cool page and smaller than Lookbook or something like that, so it's a good platform even without the VIP program.

So, anyhow. Enough of the vanity stuff for now! While I sit here, dreaming about the new apartment and all the nice things I'll be able to do once I live there, tell me about your favorite outfits and shoes for summer! What's the weather like at your place?
Here it's still getting quite cold at night, which is good when you want a good night's sleep... but bad when you stay out late and forget something warm to put on ^^

Status Quo: Destruction

Sometimes you have to tear something down before you can build it up again.
Sometimes you need a fresh, clean and new start.

Our apartment is such a case.
The building is from the 70ies. My mum bought the place in the 80ies I grew up there for the first 10 years of my life. And I've really come to despise some things in this apartment, for example - well actually, anything in the color brown, for starters. You might remember how much I hate that color....

So this time, I'm gonna show you some photos from the work in progress...

First inhabited in the glorious decade of brown and orange, the old kitchen had the authentic 70ies charm with orange (!) cupboards and rust brown wall tiles with flower pattern... The original bathroom was even worse, with red flower-patterned tiles and a moss green, very weird and kinda spongy floor. My mum had the bathroom renovated at some point in the 90ies, I don't remember when, but it's really nice now. Thankfull. One less room to deal with, haha.

Sexy 70ies wall tiles!

Okay, I don't wanna sound ungrateful or anything. It's just that growing up in this apartment I came to dislike many things, and I also think that my huge dislike for the color brown originates from that time. I am very picky when it comes to interior design and furniture, for example I don't like too dark types of wood or too bright/colorful furniture. I was able to convince my boyfriend to keep our future furniture nice and monochrome. I have a very acute eye for clashing colors, even if it's only two different types of wood. And I can't imagine myself living in a place with, for example, a huge red sofa or a purple kitchen, because as awesome as the color might seem now, I bet I'd grow tired of it in no time. So I think that monochrome furniture is much easier to be happy with for a long time, as I can change the details and decoration such as pillows on the sofa or pictures on the wall, that might be very colorful, whenever I like to. But I can't throw out a big sofa after three years if I start to hate the color, you know what I mean?

For example, I would go crazy in this room, painted by my brother and his fiancé in red and yellow x_x

So, we decided to paint the walls white too. I've been living with yellow-tinted walls for my whole life and next to the color brown I think the color I despise almost as much is yellow (at least as wall painting). People always say that you should paint your rooms in "warm" colors and that pure white is too "cold". But I like it cold :) When we moved to our new house, I insisted that at least my ceiling is painted blue, and asked for the yellow paint to be diluted a bit more for my room (I wasn't allowed to paint the walls pure white for the aforementioned reasons ...). My boyfriend's room in his parents' house was actually painted completely black, haha. It was really awesome (and really impressive to 16 year old little me), and it was okay for us in our teenage years, but it's not something I would want to have in one of our rooms in the apartment. I also think it wouldn't look good in any of our rooms.

Do you know ingrain wall covering?
We had ingrain wallpaper all over the place. It's supposed to make the wall look "livelier" or something, and help to hide small scratches etc. But the wallpapers in the apartment were covered with approximately 15 layers of paint, so there wasn't much left of the ingrain anyway, haha. On the other hand, it really helped to remove the wallpapers, as the wallpapers were super thick. We used a steam cleaner to wet the wallpapers beforehand, and thus were able to pull most of them off in very large pieces at once. It was actually a lot of fun to do that and we were super quick with it.

Another big issue were the floor tiles in the hallway. My uncle had done all the tiling when my mum moved in, and if it hadn't been for the color (brooooown D:) I would have definitely kept them because they were put in a very cool pattern and placed super accurately to fit into the room perfectly. But.... I hated that color already when I lived there... sorry uncle, but I had to do it!

My stepdad and my boyfriend's dad both told me it's gonna be super difficult and I'd probably do a lot of damage to the floor and it will be expensive to fix it etc.... But I decided to give it a try anyway in a far corner of the room I started with hammer and chisel, and it turned out the tiles were much easer to remove than thought. So my boyfriend's dad brought a percussion drill and I threw out the tiles within half a day. My hand hurt so much the day after that, haha! But it was also a lot of fun! During my childhood when we built our house, I wasn't allowed to do any of the "men's work". I was basically only allowed to touch two things: brushes and brooms. I cleaned the construction site, I painted walls and wooden slats, but other than that, nothing. It was super frustrating and boring because I actually wanted to learn all the cool stuff too like the names of the tools, how to use them, how to tile floors etc. So this time, I insisted on doing stuff like this myself. I didn't even let my boyfriend help me with the floor tiles... sorry!

So, right now the place is kinda in ruins. It's hard to imagine that we're supposed to live there in a few weeks time. There's a lot of unexpected repair work and problems that came up halfway through, such as water stains due to a broken window sealing, and mold under the wallpaper near the balcony, where the wall needs some repair apparently... But we're so much faster than anticipated that we actually slowed down a bit and are taking a slower pace now, because we haven't even ordered a new kitchen yet and it will likely take 6-8 weeks to be delivered anyway. Likewise we haven't decided on a sofa because the one we want is really expensive and we are not sure if we should take it or save the money for something else... The other furniture is rather easy as it will mostly be Ikea and other "ready-to-take" items. I might even get a little make-up table in our bedroom ^o^

We already bought the new floor tiles that will be used for the hallway and the kitchen, and a new floor for the "office". And a lot of white paint for all the walls. Today and on Monday the new heaters will be mounted (and then taken down again so we can paint the walls behind them), and we are currently waiting for an offer from a carpenter for new doors. Because - you might have already guessed it - I don't want to live with these f... ugly dark brown doors ^^"

So we're hopefully soon done with the "tearing down" part, and soon will be able to start the "building up" part. I guess both is kinda fun. But the first part was the more scary one. Actually seeing all these things that were "the same" for so many years and really a big part of my childhood, literally come apart in front of your eyes or even by your own doing.... it's crazy. But it's good. Because I want to make this a home for myself and my love, and not live a remnant of my childhood. This is one of the reasons why I wanted to throw out my mum's bed, despite it still being in a good condition, and rearrange the bedroom, despite it's limited space. I just don't want to "live" the same way my very own mother did. I also want to paint one of the old wardrobes that was in my bedroom as a child, which will now become our office room. I just don't want to continue where I left of 11 years ago, when I moved out of that place. I want to start over again, and make this my own "home". I am very, very thankful that my mum worked so hard for me, so that I can now have this apartment and change it the way I want, and live there by my own now. I am so grateful, and I hope she will also like the changes I make and be happy for me when everything is finished.

Coming soon: Hopefully we will already have finished the painting & new floor ^^ Stay tuned!

Alien in disguise

Hey guys! Since I currently don't have much time or stuff to blog about, I'll just try to write more but shorter entries to keep this blog alive :D So today's topic.... hair color!

Most of you probably know that black is not my natural hair color.
In fact, I am blond, which means I have to dye my roots every 5-6 weeks or I look like I am going bald. My natural hair color is the typical "ash blond", this kind of blond that looks just super plain - and in my case, also very different depending on the light! In daylight, my roots are almost invisible, but sometimes they look more brunette or even reddish. But my roots aren't even what bothers me most about my natural hair color, it's my eyebrows and lashes that are so light blond that they are almost invisible! It looks really stupid with black dyed hair, so I usually have to wear at least mascara and "draw on" my eyebrows before I go out, unless I want to look like a sick alien.

So, when my friend Mimi, who is a hairdresser in training, offered to help my with dying my hair so she can practice, she also mentioned that she can dye lashes and eyebrows, and very quickly I decided to give it a try! I chose black for the lashes and dark brown for the eyebrows, but as my eyebrows are naturally very light they ended up almost black anyway :'D But I am very happy with the results!

Looks pretty natural, doesn't it? Usually I had to wear make up to look like this, now that's not necessary anymore! Now that we're currently renovating our flat I wouldn't want to wear make up anyway, so it's super practical to look like this already when I get up in the morning :)

I don't really have any non-make up photos to compare to, except for this super cheap quality one:

I suppose you get the idea...  invisible eyebrows, yey!

The only disadvantage about this is that when I want to wear a really light wig, the dark eyebrows might seem out of place. But it's summer now, so I probably won't be wearing a wig anyway anytime soon, haha!

I also thought a lot about changing my hair color lately, but I really can't decide. I had a horrible nightmare where I got my hair bleached and cut and it ended up looking like my haircut when I was 7 (horrible, horrible times!). I cried a lot in that dream, and when I woke up, I was thinking that I'would never ever cut my hair again, haha. But then again, I would love to have really colorful hair one day. Blue, turquoise and purple. Or light pink or lilac. I know it's a pain to keep such colors vibrant but as someone with very dry hair I don't have to wash it very often and so the color would probably last longer...
BUT! I realize every day that my hair has grown longer than it has ever been. It reaches past my waist now and despite not having cut the ends for almost a year, they look healthy and I have no split ends. I don't want to have short hair. I want to keep my hair long! And I know that if I decided to bleach it, I would have to cut it...

I was thinking that maybe I can find a way to keep my hair. If there is a place that can sew/craft extensions I could cut my hair rather short and bring them my hair to get extensions made of it. It would probably cost a lot, but then again, I could keep them as black extensions. I would then bleach my short hair and experiment a bit with it, and see which color suits me best. If I grow tired, I can wear an "undercolor" look with the extensions or dye my hair back to black and wear it long when I want to.

But the main reason why I am kept from changing the color is that I just think that black suits me best. Ever since I wear my hair black again, I get so many compliments where people compare me to "Snow White" and that it makes my eyes stand out. And I really like that :< I am not sure if different hair colors will even suit me. I got some wigs to try it out and I guess a natural red would look okay, but what about more extreme colors?

In the end, I decided to get some more wigs to experiment a bit and find out what suits me, before I do something to my real hair. Next year my boyfriend and I will visit his mom in Australia for a few weeks, so maybe before the trip I will cut my hair to make traveling and camping easier. Hmpf. Well, we'll see.

What do you think about dying your lashes and eyebrows?
Have you tried it before?
And which hair color would you like to try for one day if you could?

Hearts, skulls and roses - Graduation 2013

Last Thursday my graduation ceremony took place.
During the ceremony, we had to vow an oath and got our diplomas / Bachelor certificates. It's a very formal event, but everyone participating as speaker or moderator did a great job to make it a memorable and not too "stiff" occasion :)

At first I was actually scared that I would get scolded because of my dress. I bought it in Helsinki months before the ceremony, and I thought it should be okay. But back in Austria we soon found out that the official "dress code" for the event was "dark and elegant"... I was a bit shocked when I read this, due to my dress of choice being white... and having a print with skulls which could, on second thought, offend people or something like that. There was some discussion about too short and too bright dresses - a friend of mine has a body like a super model with incredibvly long legs so that almost every dress would be considered "too short" on her! - and in the end, I think they made too much of a fuss about this whole thing. Of course everyone knew that it's a formal event and they should dress appropriately. However, everyone put a bit of their personal style to it. Some girls dressed in simple black mini dresses and ballerinas. some just wore sandals. To me, this is rather "informal" too but it's just a matter of taste, isn't it?

In the end, nobody got scolded for their outfit, and people even told me that my dress is actually very beautiful and the skulls not too noticeable anyway :)

Super overexposed! XD I'm reflective... like a glacier or something, lol

Here you can see the patterns much better :3

After the ceremony, we got together for some group photos. We also took some photos with those cool "graduation caps"! Our university has the policy that per se, they are not part of the dresscode (we only got a blue scarf with the logo of the university on it) but if everyone wants to wear it, we can. Unfortuantely we had some people in our group who were against wearing a cap, but we found a solution by simply taking some group photos with the caps after the ceremony :) My mum was really disappointed when she heard we wouldn't have caps, so she ended up surprising me by ordering a "customized" one with a small "2013" charm hanging form it, haha. I wanted to surprise her with the fact that we did end up getting caps... so in the end I got two caps XD I just hope she wasn't disappointed or something ^^"

As the places for the ceremony were limited I couldn't invite my whole family. Well, of course I couldn't invite all of them, as my closest relatives would make a group of already 30 people or so... We also had dinner that day, where I was able to invite some more people.

It was great to celebrate with my family and that day made me realize somewhat that a very stressful but also rewarding time has come to an end. With my first academic degree I have a confirmation in hands that I can achieve something, that I might, despite coming a long way, finally have found what is right for me. I will continue along this path and hope that I will be successful. I am looking forward to my next goal - a Master's degree in Molecular Biology, which I hope to achieve in the next two to three years. 

I would also like to thank you, my readers, for being with me during all that time. I started my blog in 2010 when I started my studies, and you have been with me through many ups and downs, especially during my internship, encouraging me, cheering for me and often giving me advice. I found many friends through blogging, and I am happy that something as simple as sharing my thoughts can bring me together with so many people. So, thank you!

One step closer... an independent life!

Last week end my boyfriend and my got the keys for our flat ♥
Long story short, I grew up in that place, but we moved to a house when I was 11. Ever since then it was rented out, first to an acquaintance, then to my cousin, and lastly to my (step)brother who lived there with his girlfriend/fiancé for the last 6 years. And now it will be ours!

I have no words for how happy I am about moving there. It is not in Vienna but a bit away in a smaller village but that's okay. I've had my share of Viennese traffic insanity, parking madness and crammed streets. I'm looking forward to move "out there" again. I will still go to Vienna for my studies anyway, it's only 20min by train to the city, and we will keep my car anyway, so I'll be fine.

Starting this week, we are going to renovate the flat completely. Old tapestry has to be removed and we will paint all the walls. We will get new doors, new heaters, new floor in three rooms and a new kitchen. My very own kitchen!! I am so excited about it already, looking forward to cooking and baking ♥ Also, as you can see on the picture a little bit, we will have a balcony! This is one of the things I am looking forward to the most, because I've been living without balcony the last 4 years and quite often I really missed it. Not because I like to sunbath so much, but because I always wanted a place to grow herbs and flowers.

Anyways, there's still a lot of work to be done, I'll probably write about the renovation on here anyway as apart form that there is not much happening this summer. Before the flat is finished I guess I won't be going out much or do much else, haha :'D
On a related note, my laptop broke down, so I have to send it in for repair and in the meantime I won't be blogging a lot (currently using my boyfriend's computer at his dad's place while he's at work...). So I'ms orry if the next few weeks will be a bit boring on here, as they are probably going to be so exciting in real life that I won't have much time to write anyway :'D But I'll try my best not to forget about the blog!

Also, this Thursday there'll be my graduation ceremony taking place. I'm super excited already, mainly because I'm still scared that they won't allow me to participate because of the strict dresscode (my dress has a skull and lace pattern... it's not to obvious, but...). I'll make sure to take some extra clothes with me, but it would just be a pity if I weren't allowed to wear the dress I specifically bought for the event! :'D
Other upcoming events - of course my brother's wedding in August! I'm really looking forward to it already, and of course I'll write about it too.

In the meantime, you can follow my instagram and twitter to keep in touch! I'm online with my phone quite frequently, I'm just usually too lazy to type more than some short rant tweets or something like that :'D

So, have your summer holidays started already? Or are you still working or studying?
Are going to some nice place this summer? I probably won't because we have to save our money for the flat :'D
Let me know what you're planning in the comments! ^_^