On Saturday there was this big J-fashion meet up in Vienna, and I was there, dressed in Lolita!
It was my second time outside in public wearing Lolita, but it was sooo much better then the first time. People around me were much friendlier and very positive about my outfit and styling. No stupid comments, except for one women who burst into laughter when I passed by, however she seemed a bit crazy overall, so I couldn't care less :)
I didn't take any photos myself except for few cell phone shots, but other people took many photos and you can find some on the Austrian Lolita Fashion facebook page, as well as on greencat's facebook. He really is a talented photographer, and when I looked at his dA account I noticed that he is also the photographer of last year's winning picture of the Aninite photography contest! It even made its way to 9gag at some point if I remember correctly. I really love his work! (and now I'm even more excited about making a cosplay myself and maybe being photographed by him again if it turns out nicely, haha :D )
Photographer: greencat (facebook/deviantart)
My hair is so messy XD Damned wind! But I finally managed cut my fake bangs to look more or less decent!
My hair is so messy XD Damned wind! But I finally managed cut my fake bangs to look more or less decent!
The super cute girl to my right side is Bibi. Mimi and me befriended her there as it was her first meet up of that kind as well so we hung out together!
Another photographer present was Drago from Awe Some Photography. He really put a lot of effort in his shots and gave instructions what we should do, where we should look etc. It was an interesting experience, and I think it was worth the effort! His ideas were really cool and you can have a look at the results here!
A lot of other, random people who passed by took photos of us as well. Some of them were tourists - some even asked us to take photos with them! There was this one woman who came over to ask us about the gathering and what the occasion was, and was really interested when we explained the different styles to her.
But also outside of Museumsquartier people were incredibly friendly towards me. I didn't expect it at all, since my last experience with Lolita fashion was a bit unpleasant at times (people laughing at me and yelling at me "Emo!" etc). This time, I received only compliments! One women told me on the street how much she loved my outfit and that it's a very beautiful style. And when I went to the MAC store at Westbahnhof, the employee there also complimented my make up! O:

Mimi & me at Westbahnhof drinking Bubble Tea ♥ I still remember how we went there for the first time together :3I look like a total psycho XD

Macarons! :3 Who would have guessed that there's even such a thing as International Macaron Day? There'll probably be a Viennese Lolita meet up on that day again, so I guess I have another opportunity to wear Sweet Lolita and this bracelet quite soon :3
There were people dressed in Pastel Goth, Cult Party Kei, J-rock influenced style, one person even came in Shiro Nuri style and of course there were also Gyarus and Lolitas. I don't really know a lot about styles other than Lolita and Gyaru but I think it's really cool that there was such a big diversity among the people at the meet up!
It was great to meet some other Lolitas. At first I felt a bit uncomfortable and like and outsider, because Mimi and me didn't know anybody there. But we soon befriended Bibi and the other Lolitas were very kind and welcoming too. During and after the photo shoot we also got to talk a bit more and it was a lot of fun! But not only the Lolitas but everyone was really nice :) I am really looking forward to going to another meet up like this soon!
The outfit I chose was also influenced by the feedback I got on my suggestions on facebook. I definitely plan to wear the other outfits soon as well, especially the Blue Rose dress that I love so much ♥ And I definitely have to sew myself a new, better petticoat. The self-sewn one I have is practically dead because it's made of tulle which isn't very long lasting (I didn't know at the time). But the super poofy one I bought from ebay a while ago was too short for this dress! I think the heat and all the walking on that day also took its toll on the petti, as it looked slightly better in the morning still. I also wanted to alter my white Bodyline dress that's too big on me...
Anway! It was a lot of fun, I enjoyed meeting new people and wearing Lolita! And I think I never got so much attention and positive feedback about my appearance ever before :DD Such a great boost for my self confidence after Friday's disastrous news...
Anway! It was a lot of fun, I enjoyed meeting new people and wearing Lolita! And I think I never got so much attention and positive feedback about my appearance ever before :DD Such a great boost for my self confidence after Friday's disastrous news...
Lolita fashion is really fun. I like the aesthetics, I love the variety of the different styles, and I got a chance to make new friends that I'll gladly take!